About us

At Factoringconnection, our purpose is connecting trucking operations with the very best factoring partner. We’re not here to sell empty promises, we exist to provide a concise and unbiased overview of top factoring companies which we are certain will help carriers succeed. We understand how complicated the trucking industry can be, and we strive to remove a layer of complication and streamline the process of carriers finding their perfect fit for a factoring partner.

At Factoringconnection, we specialize in connecting our clients to the most effective factoring solutions available in the market. With our hand-picked network of reputable factoring companies, our sole goal is to find you the perfect fit for your operations needs.

Our team of experts understands that every business is unique, which is why we have multiple partners, to provide options and to help you find a perfect fit for your specific requirements. Whether you are looking to increase working capital, or reduce financial risks, or just to have flexibility we aim to provide you with the best information possible in this decision process.

By searching with Factoringconnection, you can expect streamlined processes, competitive rates, and quick access to funding, allowing you to focus on what matters most - growing your business.

The process of finding the right factoring company can stressful and confusing. With a variety of factors to consider, such as the the fee structures, customer service quality, and contract terms, carriers must navigate through a sea of options to find the best fit for their unique needs. Additionally, the reputation and reliability of a factoring company play an important role in the decision-making process, adding another layer of complexity. We hope to simplify and streamline your search by providing you with the facts right up front, no BS and no sales pitch needed, to assist you in finding the perfect fit for your operation.